900+ school counselors/psychologists, teachers, teaching assistants, specialized therapists, school leaders, and more signed up for the October 2022 virtual conference that was independently produced by Eleni VardakiYou can either click on a particular interview title, or on DAY 1, DAY 2, etc if you would rather access all three interviews from a particular day.

Helping us spread the word about these free staff training resources for student and staff wellbeing in schools is the greatest compliment! If you got value from one of these videos, it would be great if you could forward it to others who might be interested to learn more about EFT in schools. 



  • “I watched Sarah Gilbert’s interview with Eleni Vardaki on the Tapping in Schools Summit and it really lit up my heart because I have been wanting to bring EFT/Tapping into schools where I live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I absolutely loved hearing about her ideas and the fact that she already has a whole programme designed to bring Tapping to younger children. I have reached out to Sarah to find out more about her programme.” – Michele Frew
  • “What a wonderful Day 1!! Well done you! I really enjoyed listening to your other speakers and have shared the link on social media etc. You’ve done a great job and I’m so grateful to be included!” – Sarah Gilbert


  • “Interesting!!! Well organized, thank you. I am listening and learning. The speakers are such nice people with heart and knowledge. Good with the PDFs. I am now making a 3-step plan to approach a Swedish school close to where I live with tapping. I will use this summit as reference and some steps I learned how to approach slowly. Hugs and great job!” – Barbro Bronsberg
  • “Hi Eleni, Dr Tom Hanson – Loved his way of explaining at a student level…metaphors. Loving this summit by YOU – Good work :)” – Sue Folley
  • “These interviews are AMAZING!! So many helpful nuggets of information! Fabulous!!” – Kathleen Weber
  • “Eleni, I’ve been watching some of the Tapping Summit videos. You’ve done such a great job and I really believe that tapping in schools will continue to grow. Thanks for your dedication to this work! I was introduced to tapping earlier this year and I’ve really enjoyed it and see the benefits. What a simple and effective and worthwhile technique for everybody and especially teachers and students too! I am just exploring Dr. Peta’s website and am quite interested in the self-paced course for Tapping in the Classroom. Thanks again! Keep up the great work and congratulations on your online Summit!” – Amy Burke


  • “I love that the interviews are short (15 minutes or less) and very well-edited so there’s very little empty space. I also love that each of the speakers share specific examples, stories, techniques, and ideas for viewers to implement. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource!” – Megan Hildy
  • “I just wanted to say thank you so much for all the amazing interviews so far! They are really inspiring and am very grateful to you and all the presenters for making this happen. I am very much looking forward to the other interviews. Thank you again.” – Lou Tassell
  • “Eleni I would like to express my gratitude to you and all the interviewees for the great summit you are offering us, and all the useful things we are learning every day from their precious experience.” – Anna Condoyianni
  • “Thank you for putting this summit together! I’m a speech therapist and I work in schools part time. Of course I see such a need to incorporate EFT as part of the students’ overall well-being. This summit is without a doubt helping me to feel confident in bringing EFT into the schools. All the interviews have been great!” – Bailey Levis
  • “Thank you so much for this series. I have been thinking about taking tapping into schools since the last year and made just a bit of progress in getting my head around it. But all the interviews have given me a lot of ideas and resources, but most of all motivation, to put myself out there.” – Maria Sarkar
  • “Hi Eleni, My name is Kalliopi and I teach English in a preschool and primary school. The preschool students but also my other students respond very positively to our ‘toolbox’ that includes, among other techniques, tapping. We sing to ‘I’m free being me…’ and we have a great time. Your effort in putting this event together is very worthy, and I wanted to tell you a big THANK YOU! Greetings from Larissa (Greece)” – Kalliopi Perri


  • “Eleni, I just wanted to let you know what a fabulous job you are doing keeping the interviews short and sweet and focused with a great array of topics. It has been a delight for me to listen to.” – Craig Weiner, EFTi Master Trainer 
  • “Wow these are wonderful interviews!” – Potash Wayoga
  • “Thank you for this beautiful Summit. I am really enjoying it. It’s a good reminder of the process I had to go through to get EFT into a primary school in London (UK) in the years 2007-2010 which enabled me to deliver a weekly “Tapping Lunchtime Club” for kids from 8 to 11-year-olds. It was a wonderful experience, and so many kids benefitted in so many ways. Your Summit has given me the nudge to approach schools again.” – Anne Adum Boisard, EFTi Master Trainer
  • “Hi Eleni, I just want to thank you personally for this summit. I am passionate about bringing EFT into schools and I have picked up so many wonderful tips and ideas from your guests. Thank you again so much.” – Joanne Cunningham
  • “Hi Eleni, Thank you so much for organising this summit, and for making it available to us for free! I have learnt so much about tapping with children, parents and teachers from the interviews, which I’m sure will help me in my future work with EFT. I’m currently studying to become a Clinical EFT Practitioner with EFT Universe. I’m a teacher, and I want to introduce this simple self-help tool to the education system in my home country. I want to empower my fellow colleagues and their students to use it and improve their wellbeing. I have found the videos in this summit just the right length, as I can watch them throughout the day during my breaks. It’s much more manageable that multiple 1-hour interviews a day like in other online summits. The content, resources, and experience that the interviewers have shared is invaluable. I also value that you have made the transcripts available to us, with all the useful links!” – Marta Vojnic


  • “This has been so helpful. I am a Kenyan teacher teaching children that neither hear nor speak – deaf. Tapping has helped us and taken us a long way. We enjoy and keep tapping.” –  Lilian Abala
  • “What a wonderful opportunity this has been! Thank you, thank you and thank you. I had only heard about the term “EFT Tapping” in the past but now, not only
    I know and understand what it is about but thanks to this summit I would like to get trained myself in order to be able to share and apply this tool with students and teachers in international schools for them to improve their general wellbeing. A massive thanks from Spain and please, keep me informed if you do organise any other similar event.” – Carolina Barguero Masero 
  • “Wonderful! So reassuring to have you people really taking care.” – Katerina Panagiotopoulou


  • “Hi Eleni, What an exceptional job you have done in putting this all together so brilliantly!!! The interviews were both interesting and well managed and the overall experience was uplifting and inspirational. I am such a proud supervisor, mentor and friend.” – George Brooks, EFTi Master Trainer 
  • “Thank you, this is fabulous and so appreciate the extra time to watch the videos.” – Juan Marshall
  • “Hello Eleni! I have been watching the videos again after the summit including our bonus interview with Barbro – wow! Amazing job. Welldone for putting this summit together. I have learnt a lot on tapping in schools! Looking forward for more engagements. Cheers!” – Horace Ongili Osok 
  • “The summit is incredible Eleni and so insightful! I hadn’t heard of EFT Tapping before we talked about it last year. I’m actually still working on the Global Ties US mental health program and I will share your EFT How To guide (see Days 1-5 summit pages) with the girls in my cohort. I think this will be so useful for them and an extra skill for emotional and mental health resiliency.” – Stephanie Stan

  • “Hi Eleni, I’ve just managed to listen to all the recordings that I missed and I am absolutely blown away! It’s so incredible what you can learn from people willing to share their tapping journeys. I am so passionate about bringing tapping to schools in South Africa.  I am busy completing my training with EFT International. On and upward.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.” – Karen Pringle
  • “What an amazing Summit with such wonderful experienced speakers!! I live in Singapore. I am an EFT Practitioner from EFT Universe. Just beginning this beautiful meaningful journey. My passion is to reach out and spread EFT to teens and youth and your summit could not have been at a better time. I am working on preparing my EFT presentation that I can present to the schools in Singapore and take EFT to as many schools as possible.” – Rachna Amin
  • “Congratulations and thank you for your efforts in putting together this wonderful Tapping in Schools Summit. I have found the interviews really interesting and informative.” – Pooja Saggar
  • “This has been a wonderful training. Wow!!! I am the lead on the ACEP Emotional First Aid team and mentor many projects inside and outside the schools. I’m looking forward to linking into this training in our resource sections for Emotional First Aid” –  Dr. Kristin Miller 
  • “Hi Eleni, Greetings from Manchester in the UK – just wanted to say a quick THANK YOU for all the collaboration and cooperation work you’ve put in! I have enjoyed it soo much. I’m currently finishing my EFT Qualifications with Alina Frank and Craig Weiner. Thank you.” – Kasia Halani
  • “Eleni, Just wanted to say thank you for creating such an interesting summit. Great to hear all the educational voices of EFT around the globe and their independent success stories. I’ve taken away some really valuable tips and information on how I might introduce tapping into schools near to where I live in the UK.” – Marc Goodall
  • “Dear Eleni, I am so grateful for all the effort that you put into this incredibly inspiring summit! As an EFT Practitioner in South Africa, taking EFT into the schools has been at the back of my mind and you have motivated me to take it further. Thank you!” – Hillary Kushner
  • “Eleni, Thank you so much for organizing and sharing this Summit. It has been a pleasure to listen and learn and as you’ve made the sessions shorter, it was easy to fit in the listening each day. I appreciate the effort and time you put into this Summit and for making it available to so many – it has been inspiring.” – Michele Frew
  • “Congratulations!!!!!! If I may, I would like to say that all of this work you have done here Eleni is fantastic!!! And I want to say again thank you because I feel honored to have participated in all this!!! Thank youuuu.” – Marina Koutra