School Counselors using EFT tapping in school, with George Brooks

School Counsellors using EFT Tapping for Student and Staff Wellbeing

GUEST SPEAKER: Qualified School Counsellor and EFT Practitioner, George Brooks, shares his experience of introducing English Secondary Schools to EFT Tapping for a range of applications. In this interview he talks about:

  • why he decided to introduce EFT Tapping into his School Counselling service for English Secondary Schools in the North West about 20 years ago.
  • how he applied the Emotional Freedom Technique to quickly and effectively support a student who had had a meltdown just before she went in to do her A Level Biology exam.
  • examples of how he has introduced EFT Tapping to staff and students, both on-site and through school referrals to his private practice, to support student and staff wellbeing

Alongside his own counselling work in school, 5 of the 6 other counsellors he employs to go into schools and provide a school counselling services are also qualified EFT Practitioners.



School Counsellors using EFT tapping in school, with George Brooks

George Brooks is a Teaching Fellow at Manchester University for the Masters level Counselling, Doctorate in Child & Educational Psychology, and Doctorate in Counselling Psychology courses (2005-today). An Accredited EFT International Master Trainer and an Accredited BACP Counsellor and Psychotherapist, he also supervises and mentors counsellors and EFT Practitioners worldwide. 

George runs a counselling service for schools based in England along with the 6 school counsellors he employs to provide a school counselling service in 8 secondary schools, although they also deliver training across the world and offer counselling & supervision using online platforms such as Zoom. 

He has 20+ years of experience helping people and schools work through their problems and go on to lead happier, healthier, and successful lives. Learn about George’s services at: