Georgia Tech tapping for staff and students with Eleni Vardaki

Georgia Tech Tapping for Staff and Students

STRESS MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP: Recording available to enjoy the Stress Management workshop Eleni Vardaki led in June 2024 as an invited Guest Speaker for Georgia Tech and the University System Georgia (USG). Since 2020, Georgia Tech has been offering Tapping Circles for staff well-being. This Georgia Tech well-being initiative started out as peer-to-peer well-being initiatives primarily for staff members. However, Tapping@GT is now able to expand its offerings to the student population with the recent additional funding and support. You will notice that Eleni’s Stress Management workshop for Georgia Tech staff and students (see below) included tapping because of how safe, easy to do, and effective it is for grounding, Mental Health First Aid, pro-active emotional self care, and more. 

The recording is freely available so that anyone can benefit from it as a self-help resource. You can forward it to the people you care about.


3 sensory based tools for stress management Eleni demonstrates in this video: 

1. Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)
Developed in 1993 by Tapas Fleming (a CA Acupuncturist)
One hand: Thumb and ring finer above the tear duct, and middle finger around the third eye. Another hand above the occipital ridge, where neck meets the head (behind the head)
2. Butterfly Hug (bilateral tapping)
Originated in 1998, helped with Hurricane disaster survivors.  A good Emotional First Aid tool.
Thumbs clasping, cross your hands over the chest, and alternate tapping on your upper chest (bilateral tapping.)
3. Silent Tapping / Continual Tapping (EFT Tapping Points)
Simply Tap around the following points.
– Top of the Head
– Start of the Eye Brow
– Side of the Eyes (temple area)
– Under the Eyes (Top of the Cheek Bone)
– Under the Nose
– Under the Mouth – Chin (dent)
– Collarbone Area
– Under the Arm

– Take a Calm Breath In

Some of the responses from the live workshop chat box:
“That felt great.” 
“Feels like my shoulders a a bit more loose.” 
“Felt like a heartbeat, calming.” 
“More relaxed.” 
“I feel more calm.” 
“Thank you for the valuable new practices” 
“I have a slight cold and the ones around the eyes feel fantastic!” 
“Wonderful workshop!” 
“This was great.”


Georgia Tech (Georgia Institute of Technology) is one of America’s leading research universities. It’s ranked seventh among U.S. News & World Report’s top public universities. Georgia Tech offers degrees from Business, Computing, Design, Engineering, and Sciences to Liberal Arts.

These online Tapping Circles and workshops offered by the Tapping@GT Meditation Club fall under the umbrella of an broader University System of Georgia (USG) and Georgia Tech well-being and stress management initiative. 

To learn more about their live mindfulness and well-being events go to:   

Georgia Tech: Self-Regulation Tapping Circles 2023-2024

University System of Georgia (USG): Well-being Events Calendar

These workshops are open to the guests from outside the USG community. Sign up through the link above if you’d like to participate!


Eleni Vardaki - educational articles and collaborations for individuals and schools

Eleni Vardaki (BA, PGCE, QTS, MEd, EFT Practitioner) is an experienced educator and EFT Practitioner who specializes in stress, anxiety, and academic success. She works with both school and university level students who want her assistance on clearing their inner blocks to achieving their personal, career-related, or academic goals. She leads online and on-site group sessions for psychotherapists, classroom teachers, and other allied professionals interested in learning new tapping skills.


Eleni is also leading a tapping workshop in Crete at the 9th ENSEC Conference (September 5-7th 2024). It’s called “EFT Tapping in Schools Boosting SEL and Mental Health”. 

The conference is open to anyone who is interested in learning from researchers and practitioners who study and/or work with schools.