Kleio Kartalis IB Diploma student

Stress that IB Diploma Students Face

In this episode of ‘Let’s Talk About the IB’, Kleio Kartalis tackles 3 big stress factors IB Diploma students can experience. For example, she talks about how university applications are a major long-term, continuous type of background stressor (most people think the worst is over when the application is sent, but that is far from the truth). Then we have the stress of constant coursework deadlines, which is different to the stress of revising for exams. These are the more short-term and intense kinds of stress. These are important issues that we need to talk about. And who better to talk to than someone who successfully navigated the stress of the IB while ambitiously studying for and sitting exams for a total of 5 HL IB subjects, while achieving three 7s in 3 of her HL subjects. Oh! And just in case you were wondering…she also made time for CAS, in a meaningful way. Like as in, not just ‘do it because you have to’ do CAS, to get the Diploma. No. We’re talking doing CAS with heart and soul (#yesitispossible). Enjoy! Ms Vardaki P.S. Know someone who’s stressing about their IB deadlines? Why not share this video with them? #sharingiscaring