Eleni Vardaki teaching college students EFT Tapping - Deree American College of Greece October 2024

College Students EFT Tapping In Deree

WHAT’S UP: On Wednesday 9th October 2024, Eleni Vardaki led a brief introduction to EFT Tapping workshop at Deree ACG (American College of Greece). It was for interested college students and staff faculty members as part of the Mind Body Connections: Introduction and Applied section section of Mind Body Spirit Fest 2024. In this article, I explain why I offer EFT Tapping services for college students, and how I introduced EFT Tapping to participants in Deree.

Why DO EFT TAPPING WITH College STudents?

Deree ACG Mind Body Spirit Fest 2024
From Deree ACG Mind Body Spirit Fest 2024

Introducing college students to EFT Tapping is a great way to help them connect their mind with their body so that they can stay calm, focused, and productive when faced with the stress of exams, important assignments, or presentations.

EFT Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Techniques, is a proven stress management method that can quickly and effectively reduce stress and anxiety. So students in colleges / universities all over the world are practicing EFT Tapping with qualified tapping specialists like myself for assistance with better managing their exam anxiety and presentation anxiety.

Despite the fact that EFT Tapping has more research proving it’s effectiveness for managing stress and anxiety than most psychotherapies, I’ve found that people who don’t know about about EFT can sometimes assume that the reason it works is due to placebo, out of ignorance. Or worse – some people I have met assume that it’s just some ‘new age thing’, or ‘voodoo’!

Yet EFT Tapping is the most researched therapy within an emerging field in Modern Psychology known as Energy Psychology. EFT Tapping is a 4th wave therapy method that goes beyond aiming for insight and recovery to aiming for positive mental health and well-being (Bond University, Dr. Peta Stapleton). Another example of a 4th wave therapy is EMDR, which stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. Traditionally, people have needed to be in therapy for years before seeing results. In contrast, 4th wave therapies are more effective and efficient in helping people transform an aspect of their life that is causing them distress (Stapleton, 2019, The Science Behind Tapping).

I have personally experienced both EMDR and EFT Tapping’s transformative power. What I’ve noticed is that while they are both very effective methods, EFT Tapping is a gentler approach than EMDR for clearing the root causes of an issue. EFT Tapping combines a powerful method that is gentle enough not only for adult learners, but even for children and teenagers to do engage in. That’s why I decided to become a certified EFT Tapping specialist back in 2019.

There are already 300 published papers that have tested the effectiveness of EFT Tapping, and they document 99% effectiveness. In other words, the research clearly shows that EFT Tapping works. Over 100 of these studies are published in high quality peer reviewed journals. A number of them even tested the impact on EFT on a range of biomarkers (cortisol, HRV, epigenetic gene expression, brain activity via fMRI brain scans). They have all found clinical EFT Tapping to be an effective intervention for a range of stress related physical and mental health problems for children and adults of all ages.   

We even have 6 dismantling studies proving the assumption that EFT Tapping works due to placebo wrong. In fact, one of these studies was a Randomized Control Study (RTC) that was done with college students. It compared the effectiveness of tapping on the clinical EFT Tapping points versus just generally tapping on different parts of the body, including on other known accupressure points for stress relief (see below).

Research disproving the assumption that EFT Tapping works due to placebo Evidence Based EFT

You may want to check out the following bibliography of research on clinical EFT Tapping’s effectiveness for assisting college level students. I think it will give you a sense of why more and more college students around the world are doing EFT Tapping with qualified specialists like myself to better manage workload stress and performance-related anxiety such as exam anxiety and presentation anxiety.

Introduction to EFT TApping at
Deree American College Greece

Through my workshop at Deree, “Voodou or Placebo? EFT Tapping Demystified”, I introduced the participants to three simple ways that they can experiment with Emotional Freedom Techniques to stay calm, focused, and productive by connecting to their mental and physical wellness.

I started by teaching the participants the tapping sequence which can be used both as a psychological first aid tool for dealing with big emotions, as well as for improving focus and concentration. 

Next, I showed them a simple EFT Tapping meditation for reducing stress and improving well-being using a traffic light metaphor for taking their before and after EFT ‘well-being temperature’. This was an adaptation of a self-help tapping exercise called Traffic Light Tapping that was designed by one of the world’s leading EFT specialists, Gwyneth Moss. 

I then proceeded to briefly introduce the audience to some of the research that’s been done on the effectiveness of EFT. Finally, I wrapped up the workshop by showing how the thoughts in our mind and the physical sensations in our body are connected. This gave them a taste of how adding words when tapping can have additional benefits if you want to be more relaxed, calm, and productive.

This helped their fest reach its goal: focusing on the indispensable role that connection between the mind, body and community play in promoting optimal well-being.

I’d like to thank Sophie Themelis & Christina Drakonakis for being such warm and welcoming hosts and to congratulate them for the great work they are doing for their Deree community.

Deree ACG Mind Body Spirit Fest 2024
From Deree ACG Mind Body Spirit Fest 2024


Eleni Vardaki - educational articles and collaborations for individuals and schools

Eleni Vardaki (BA, PGCE, MEd, Advanced EFT Practitioner) is an experienced educator and therapeutic coach who specializes in working with school and college students who want her assistance to deal with their academic-related stress and anxiety.