EFT Tapping in Greek Schools with Marina Koutra

Tapping in Greek Schools Helping Children Learn

GUEST SPEAKER: Marina Koutra is a Primary School Teacher and qualified EFT Practitioner. She has found that using EFT Tapping in Greek Schools is helping children learn by feeling better and clearing barriers to learning. In this interview she talks about:

  1. Why she started using EFT Tapping in Greek schools for teacher and student wellbeing.
  2. Examples of how tapping in the classroom has helped improve social cohesion in class and open children up to Social Emotional Learning (SEL).
  3. Examples of how tapping in the classroom has helped clear barriers to learning such as trouble concentrating.   

Marina has brought EFT into the classrooms of 5 colleagues and 4 Primary Schools in Greek state schools. She has been introducing EFT Tapping into the classroom for educational purposes following Dr. Peta Stapleton’s Tapping in the Classroom training program for teachers. She has also found the tapping resources for children made freely available by the Peaceful Heart Network’s useful in her work teaching children in Greek Primary Schools


The children’s video suitable for non native English-speaking children that Marina refers to in this interview is called “A Calming Tapping Exercise with Winki from Peaceful Heart Network”.


Marina Koutra is a Primary School teacher as well as a certified and accredited EFT Practitioner who has been working in the Greek state school system since 1997. She is first experienced EFT for personal use in 2008. In 2019, she completed her second Master’s degree in Creative Writing at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, through which she created a children’s book in Greek that introduces EFT to kids. Marina has now published the first children’s book on EFT Tapping for Greek-speaking children called Οι πράσινοι και οι κόκκινοι: Τεχνική συναισθηματικής νοημοσύνης για παιδιά έως 10 ετών (2003, Εκδ. Αλφάβητο Ζωής). You can learn about Marina’s services at: marinakoutra.wordpress.com