Tapping meditations for relaxation

Tapping Meditations for Relaxation

WHAT’S THE ISSUE: Sometimes all you need to relax is to practice Silent Tapping for a few minutes (just tapping through the clinical EFT Tapping points without saying anything). However sometimes, what’s blocking you from relaxing is more complex. In these situations, it’s usually not enough to just tap without words – especially if what’s blocking you is a limiting belief like ‘I don’t have time to rest and relax’. Below you will find a small sample of ways in which you can practice self-help tapping for relaxation. 

EFT FOR BELIEFS: 25 minute tapping meditation for relaxation

EFT FOR SLEEP: 8-10 rounds of Touch and Breathe For relaxation

There are a number of ways that you can adapt a tapping meditation to suit the needs of an individual or a specific context or issue. For example, one of my favourite adapatations of EFT Tapping for sleep is the Touch and Breathe techniques. There are various ways you can practice touch and breathe. Here’s one.

EFT meditation for relaxation and sleep with Eleni Vardaki
Watch how to practice this meditation on YouTube shorts.

What’s great about this Silent EFT Tapping meditation is that you get the relaxation benefit of stimulating the clinical EFT points, without the alertness benefit that you get from tapping.

I’ve found that particularly for highly sensitive in kids and adults, such as people who are on the autistic spectrum, tapping the EFT points before going to bed can be relaxing but also prevent being able to fall asleep because the tapping action is also energizing. So minimizing movements by simply touching the points, rather than tapping on them, helps addresses that issue.

You can then follow that up with simply imaging that you are touching the points in your head in the final stage of relaxation as you drift off to sleep.

ABOUT Eleni Vardaki

Eleni Vardaki - educational articles and collaborations for individuals and schools

Eleni Vardaki was one of the higher performing teachers in the schools where she used to work. When the pandemic hit, she decided to change course, resigning from her teaching job to go all in on her dream of helping bridge the gap between the fields of education and modern psychology. She now works as a Therapeutic Coach in private practice and Educational Consultant for schools, specialized in EFT Tapping for stress, anxiety, and academic performance.