Eva Stavrinaki and Eleni Vardaki, holistic intelligence interview

Holistic Intelligence in IB Schools

WHAT’S THE ISSUE: Why does holistic intelligence matter? In schools all over the world, teachers are often held accountable for nurturing the emotional environment for students in the classroom. But who is responsible for holding school leaders accountable for nurturing a positive emotional environment for staff and parents in school meetings – for demonstrating holistic intelligence themselves?

Eva Stavrinaki, who is a Head of Department, an IB Business teacher, and the co-founder of IB Genius. In this interview, Eva talks about:

  • how technology can be used to free IB teachers up so that they can be less stressed and more emotionally present for their students.
  • how administrators can show more Emotional Intelligence when leading a staff meeting.
  • how schools can build trust with parents through a big picture approach.


ELENI VARDAKI: Some people believe that technology is a source of stress, with regards to achieving educational goals. You have a bit of a different view on that, would you like to talk about that?


EVA STAVRINAKI: Yes, of course, it’s quite a challenge. Technology is a challenge, and let’s not have a negative or a positive idea of technology – but see it as a challenge.


Imagine that if we didn’t have technology at this moment, we wouldn’t be able to have this summit.


So this is a positive way, a positive example, of using technology. So, because there are some bad uses of technology, let’s not say “no technology”.

I’ll tell you an example, an example of engaging students.


This need that we all want for our classes. What are you bored of? I’m bored of saying the same and the same things in the class. I’m bored of repetition, and fundamentals. Basic ideas that our students can find in a book. And you know something, they don’t learn them by just listening to me. What is the solution?


The solution is to have a collaborative classroom.


But you will say “There is no time”, “Yes, there is time”. And how there is time?


We have developed, and this is the idea of IB Genuis, an e-learning platform. An e-learning platform where students learn the fundamentals, and in a fun way because they play.

The more you play, the more you learn. So what happens?


They learn the fundamentals, and then they come into class, and this is a really human class. A class with communication, with openness and with less stress, with real-life case studies, with discussion, with debate.


It is where students feel well. And feeling is Emotional Intelligence, and this is how they get engaged, at the end of the day.


ELENI VARDAKI: Wow, that’s so interesting. So basically, what you are saying is by using technology to cover the content, then in the class we’ve got more time to increase the activities that will help develop social skills and emotional awareness.


EVA STAVRINAKI: Exactly. Because first of all, us as teacher, we feel better in class not having to be robots.


We want to discuss with them. We want to inspire them. We want to show them why we are teachers.


And this is the values and the quality of teaching, it’s not the repetition.


So, technology will help us with repetition, and we will help the class with Emotional Intelligence.


What is Emotional Intelligence? To be smarter with our emotions, and kids are very stressed at this period of time.


So we need to help them.

We need to have time in class to discussed about their obstacles. About their stress. About their difficulties, and about their opportunities. And not having repetitive activities.



ELENI VARDAKI: And how is that possible for an IB teacher to do that, if they’re only focusing on the student, all of the time?


EVA STAVRINAKI: Very good question.


We much see the big picture, and the big picture is the whole culture of the school. We need to be in an environment of trust, and an emotionally intelligent environment.


I will tell you an example. Let’s say that we use technology for our students, and we have very nice, creative, inspiring, really human classes.


What happens with meetings with teachers? Do we do the same with our meetings? Or do we have these stressful meetings where everyone is either looking to his or her mobile, or thinking, “Oh my God, I have so much marking and it 5 o’clock in the afternoon, and I am still here”?


How can we transform our environment – our meetings, our school, and our leadership  – in a school, also to be Emotionally Intelligent?


We need to lead by example. Kids and students must see us to be emotionally intelligent, and we need time for that.


We need to cultivate our relationships with parents, and with students. All together. A big, positive community.


ELENI VARDAKI: So it sounds like what you are saying is “There’s more to being an IB teacher then simply preparing kids for exams. It’s also about playing an active role and developing this positive collaborative culture, and how to move forward in terms of improving the atmosphere in parents evening, and with colleagues in meetings?”


EVA STAVRINAKI: Absolutely, absolutely. And you know, because of the new era of Artificial Intelligence, this is what differentiates us. Technology will be the Teacher Assistant that we all want, and we will be the teachers, in order to inspire Emotional Intelligence. Knowing how to navigate our emotions is a key factor for success at every stage of our life.


ELENI VARDAKI: And what advice would you have for someone who’s looking for how to improve the quality of their meetings, in line with emotionally intelligent changes?


EVA STAVRINAKI: Yes, very good.


We need to have focused, precise meetings not informational meetings.


We have the technology for sharing information. We have the technology for policies. We have the technology for informing us of new legislation. We need to create meetings that are collaborative, in order to create an environment where we all share our obstacles, but we also share our positive thinking as a school.


And this is the importance of meetings. Having precise, focused meetings – based on our Emotional Intelligence – in order to solve problems.



ELENI VARDAKI: I get it. So basically you’re saying is: “We need to have some consistency. Collaborative classrooms needs to be happening within the context of the school culture, where you’ve also got collaborative meetings, and that includes collaborative staff and parent meetings”.


EVA STAVRINAKI: Exactly. Exactly. We need to have this collaborative culture all the way in a school.


This is the way we will build trust with parents. We will build trust with students – as a school.


Because this is important – when someone feels safe.


We need to feel safe. We need to feel trusted – as the teachers, as well – and the students.


Then, we can thrive.


ELENI VARDAKI: I love it. Thank you very much, Eva Stavrinaki. Wise words. Thank you very much.