Eleni Vardaki Presenting at 7th ENSEC Conference in Budapest
WHAT’S NEW: Eleni Vardaki leads a workshop at the 7th ENSEC Conference in Budapest on practical ways to build well-being education into your classroom teaching practice.
The 7th ENSEC Conference on student “Wellbeing and Social and Emotional Development” will be hosted by the Faculty of Education and Psychology of ELTE Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary. ENSEC is the European Network of Social and Emotional Competence.
ENSEC is a growing network of researchers and practitioners who are interested in children and young people’s development. It’s focused on exchanging research and good practice for developing their resilience and their social and emotional competence.
7th EnSEC CONFERENCE IN BUDAPEST, 29-31 August 2019
Eleni’s workshop: “Well-being Education in Secondary Schools: Building It In, Rather Than Bolting It On”
You will often hear teachers say: “we need more time” to implement well-being initiatives. I disagree. I’ve found that when I make the time, not only do students make quicker progress (less haste, more speed), but the quality of learning improves. In 2015 I began my journey of trying to figure out how I could help (through my work as a classroom practitioner) to bridge the gap between the cerebral, grades-driven pressures in secondary education and the well-being skills students need to thrive in the 21st century. Since then, I’ve been experimenting with different ways to build well-being education into my classroom practice through a bottom-up approach.
In this 90 minute workshop you will:
- experience the 3 most effective ways I’ve found for how to embed emotional education, mindfulness, and body intelligence training seamlessly into my classroom practice.
- use your experience of what it felt like doing these activity simulations to draw conclusions for what principles are necessary for the successful implementation of these activities in the classroom.
- learn what I’ve personally found to be the 5 key principles for effective implementation of well-being education in the history classroom, for a grassroots, bottom-up approach.
- reflect on what was your biggest takeaway was from this workshop experience, and what (if any) action this workshop has inspired you to want to take, to further your own work or practice.
I’m curious to learn how you support students’ social and emotional development in your work. Let me know if you are going at eleni@elenivardaki.com so we can meet and get in touch!
June-July 2022, 8th ENSEC Conference in Romania hosted by University Stefan cel Mare Suceava (hybrid, virtual workshop deliver). Workshop: “EFT Tapping for Adult Social and Emotional Learning.”
October 2021, IB Students Conference, Breaking Horizons, hosted by the IB World Schools, Prepas UPAEP. Presentation: “Stories From My Life: Successes, Failures, and Finding My Purpose”. Recording available – click here to watch.
October 2019, IB Global Conference in Abu Dhabi, hosted by the IBO. Presentation title: “IB Learner Profile: A Self-Reflection Tool for IB Teachers”
October 2018, I hosted an online conference called the Stress Less Summit for international schools that offer the IB Diploma. The 10-15 minute interviews were broadcast to an audience of 900+ parents, teachers and school leaders in the IB World community. Interview recordings available – click here to watch.