Initial consultation: €70 

4-session saver pack: €240 

10-session saver pack: €500

Half-day immersion (4 sessions in one day): €200

For saver packs, schedule and use your sessions within 4 months.

Cancellation & refund policy: 24 hours notice.

Accredited Advanced EFT Practitioner

As an Advanced EFT Practitioner (Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3 certification), I'm trained in therapeutic coaching using tapping techniques by one of the world's leading tapping trainers, EFT International.


How I can Help

 Stress · Anxiety · Phobias

Stopping getting panic attacks in school / exam rooms / cars / planes

Test Anxiety / meltdowns in school or uni exams

Achieving your health / work / academic goals

Peak performance

Insomnia · Sleep Coaching

Cravings · Emotional eating/stress eating

Procrastination / Avoidance behavior

Psychosomatic aches or pains / Chronic pain

Replacing bad habits with healthier ones

What is EFT?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. It’s also known as EFT Tapping or just tapping for short. It’s applications range from self-help tapping meditations to coaching or tapping therapy with a skilled EFT Practitioner.

Emotional Freedom Techniques are a collection of stress reduction strategies with a variety of applications such as: Mental Health First Aid, stress reduction, clearing blocks to achieving goals/peak performance, stopping panic attacks, loosing weight, pain relief, career progression.

What makes EFT unique to other stress management strategies is that you can go beyond simply alleviating stress symptoms when you work on a specific issue systematically with your EFT Practitioner. We do this by neutralizing the triggers of your stress response so that you stop defaulting to a flight/fight/freeze/fawn state in similar future situations and clear any inner blocks to achieving a goal that is important for you.  


These articles and recordings give you a sense of what it is like working with me as a therapeutic tapping coach.

Overcoming phobias, Reducing anxiety & Stopping panic attacks
Achieving Goals & Peak Performance


PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENT: “I don’t really feel any sadness, because at school in between lessons, to work on that sadness, I tapped during the break. I had some thoughts. I realized I went back to the points of where I felt sad, so I could basically picture that moment in my head. Let’s say maybe that was 10 minutes long, within some of those 10 minutes (of tapping), I realized there might have been something happy happening whilst that sad thing was going on. So there’s nothing to be sad about if there are happy stuff.” – Year 5 student (British school system)

SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT: I was so skeptical of it. I’d watched some videos on YouTube about EFT. I was very skeptical. But 1 hour in, it clearly works. What did it for me was the fast results. Getting relief after only 1 session. So yeah, I’d say 10/10!” – Year 12 student (British school system)

UNIVERSITY STUDENT: “I had a final stage assessment with a big bank for my internship applications. I did tap before the interview!! EFT did help me throughout the process. Kept me composed. I was able to not let stress/anxiety get in the way in the assessment center. So thank you so so much!!” – Final year university student (British university system, undergrad)


"Thank you so much for the EFT sessions related to moving. It was very helpful. It’s an emotion ladened time as you know from your own experiences. Your skill, empathy and professional manner were all directed toward my going forward with less stress. I sincerely appreciate the time together."
EFT Practitioner Gail Rubenstein
Gail Rubenstein
EFT Practitioner
"Eleni’s talent lies in the fact that not only is she a highly skilled EFT Practitioner, she has deep intuition and vast experience of helping people. Her innate ability to combine these talents makes for a powerful transition when you work with her. Highly recommended!"
Marlene Rose Shaw - Therapist, Coach, Self-Help Author
Marléne Rose Shaw
Therapist, Coach, Author
“I tried tapping with Eleni after my first semester of teaching. I was extremely tired and was drowning in work. I also had a toxic friendship which was bringing me down mentally. After the session, I was headache-free for the first time in months! Eleni helped me clarify my thoughts and clear the rubbish lying around in my head. After the session I was able the clear the rubbish on my desk too, because I felt the energy running through my body. I also ‘broke up’ with the toxic friend. I never thought I would have the strength to do it but I finally did! The tapping made my mind clear so I could think about what it was doing to my life and mental health. So, basically I cleaned up my life after ONE session of tapping. Thank you, Eleni. Keep helping people with this method!”
Marie Vanderbruggen - Secondary School Teacher
Marie Vanderbruggen
Secondary School Teacher
"I briefly experienced EFT (many years ago). I cannot say I was very excited. When I met Eleni I thought I would give it another chance. The lady rocks!! She is so good in helping you clear your mind. She is so good in managing to bring you back to life. She is so good in making you "go again" and find out what holds you back. Eleni, a big big thank you for all your effort, for all your love in what you do and all the courage you gave me through rough times."
Georgia Papademetriou
Georgia Papademetriou
Nerve Reflexologist, Ear Acupuncturist
"A wonderfully positive, well-paced and seamlessly managed session which resulted in an immediate shift within myself. Eleni is a true professional demonstrating depth of knowledge, experience and skill. Her group tapping sessions are suitable for newcomers to EFT as well as EFT Practitioners."
Sheralyn Snaith
EFT Practitioner


I’m qualified to work with all ages as a therapeutic coach using Emotional Freedom Techniques. I’ve assisted people ages 8 to 89 with good results – irrespective of age. 

EFT working has nothing to do with age. What matters is that someone is open and ready to change their life.

Most of the kids and adults I work with want my assistance to change their habits and emotional state when they are still in the ‘moderate’ and ‘moderate severe’ anxiety and well-being states. They want to change because they want to prevent their well-being problem escalating into something more serious, like a full blown Anxiety Disorder or Panic Disorder. 

I have age-appropriate screening tests that check my sense of whether someone’s problem is within my scope of practice. These are not diagnostic tools, just screening tools.  

I also have pretty good intuition. If the screening tool(s) suggest a particular case is within my scope of practice, but something feels off like there may be something there that’s beyond what I can help with, I do also take my intuition into account.

Finally, I look for signs that someone is ready to change and to work on the issue they are presenting with through a teamwork approach. I help people who are ready to take responsibility for their life and meet me half way. Tapping isn’t something an EFT Practitioner “does to you” in a session. The best results are co-created.

Every case is different, it depends on what the situation is. 

Sometimes I coach people using EFT Tapping for goals by combining my teaching and coaching skills from my previous career as a classroom teacher with EFT protocols for goals and peak performance. For example, I sometimes coach people to break their big goal down into smaller SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound). These smaller goals are stepping-stones to achieving their bigger goal. We then tap on any emotional, cognitive, or somatic sensation stress blocks that come up for them when they think about achieving one of their SMART goals. This is one way that I structure my work with a child or adult using EFT session packages.

In other cases, we need to start with some sessions for grounding and stabilization (phase 1). We then move on to doing some deeper emotional processing work on any bad memories from past similar experiences that still carry a negative emotional charge when they think about them (phase 2). This is because unprocessed emotions from past failures/disappointments can affect how a child/adult perceives themselves and their ability to achieve their goal. Once that’s cleared, we can move to directly preparing for the future event (phase 3). 

In general, just doing a few sessions just to relieve stress right before a big event like an exam or interview may be too little too late. A structured therapeutic coaching program with consistent coaching sessions to prepare for a big event weeks, or even months, in advance is generally recommended. Particularly if the problem is more complex, or you have experienced a big disappointed in a similar past situation. The more complex and long-standing the problem, the more sessions you will need to address the issue properly.

No. Much of my work involves preventative mental health care. In other words, I often work with kids, teens and adults who are at risk of becoming clinically depressed, or developing General Anxiety Disorder, etc if they don’t develop healthier habits (e.g. sleep and exercise, unhealthy food cravings, unhealthy mobile habits etc) and reduce their stress levels. I help people change their habits and achieve their goals. My job is not to diagnose, treat mental illnesses or addictions, or give advice on medication. 

If, for example, someone with an eating disorder is receiving treatment by a qualified professional who knows how to treat their Bulimia, they can also come to me if they want assistance for their fear of failing their university course due to study procrastination. I can help them with their academic goals and procrastination problem using EFT Tapping and academic coaching. In other words, I can be part of the team of professionals supporting a child or adult with a mental illness, but I am not the relevant professional for treating their mental illness. That’s outside of my scope of practice as a therapeutic coach. 

To give you another example, if someone is already receiving weekly group therapy to treat a particular addiction, tapping sessions with me can help complement that. I can help them clear the stress of resisting their craving or impulse. I can also assist with helping someone clear inner blocks to following through on replacing their unhealthy habit with a healthier behavior or habit. That’s tapping for the stress of cravings and tapping for achieving a specific goal.

If you are on medication, you should never stop or reduce any medication you have been prescribed without consulting appropriate doctors or psychiatrists you can trust to advise you appropriately.

Watch this if you prefer to learn by watching a video.

If you prefers to learn by reading, see below. This is the information Clinical Psychologist, Dr Peta Stapleton, shares in her advanced training for mental health professionals. She’s given those of us who train with her via EFT HQ permission to share this with people.


  • 80+ Randomized Control Trials (RCTs)
  • 75+ clinical outcome studies
  • Randomized Control Trials using biologic or genetic outcome measures document positive outcomes
  • 4 fMRI studies document positive neurological changes
  • Numerous cortisol, EEG, HRV, DNA studies show positive outcomes
  • 4 meta-analysis (depression, anxiety and PTSD)
  • Studies show 86% of veterans no longer had PTSD after EFT treatment – 2x as effective and 2x faster than prolonged exposure therapy
  • 9 systematic reviews
  • 15 comparative reviews – 8 studies comparing CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) show EFT is equivalent to and more effective than CBT, and it achieves results it less sessions. 


1. Meta analysis research studies have found very large effects for EFT (Cohen’s d).

Cohen’s Effect Sizes: 
d=0.2 is considered a small effect size,
d=0.5 represents a medium effect size
d=0.8 a large effect size

You will notice that the Cohen’s effect sizes for EFT are very clearly large:

  • 20 studies of EFT for Depression 1.31
  • 14 Randomized Controlled Trials of EFT for Anxiety 1.23
  • 7 Randomized Controlled Trials of EFT for PTSD 2.96
2. Comparison to Gold Standards (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – CBT)
  • Stapleton, P. et al (2016) “Food for Thought: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Emotional Freedom Techniques and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Food Cravings.”  This is one example of a comparison study that shows EFT works quicker and more effectively than CBT. Results: EFT takes 8 weeks (2 hours per week) to achieve outcomes – CBT takes 6 months. At 1 year follow up, EFT was superior for food cravings and anxiety reduction compared to CBT.
  • Benor, Dan et al. (2009) “Pilot Study of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Wholistic Hybrid derived from EMDR and EFT (WHEE) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Treatment of Test Anxiety in University Students”, Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing. Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
3. How do we know that the reason why Tapping works isn’t because of the placebo effect? 
6 studies indicated that the acupressure component was an active ingredient. In other words, outcomes were not due to placebo, to non specific effects of any therapy, or to the non accupressure component.

Yes I have a stress management program that is for companies that want me to come in on a regular basis to help a particular group of interested employees decompress. I can work employees in private schools/preschools, corporate, private clinics/hospitals, or universities in the private sector. Let me know what you want and I can send you an offer. Contact: eleni@elenivardaki.com

I have experience working with both school age and university level students on the spectrum for friendship issues, anxiety, academic progress, and meltdowns in tests/exams.

I also have experience working with adults who only discovered later in life that they have High Functioning Autism and ADHD. Typically they went unnoticed because they learned to mask by being very conscientious and putting in an extraordinary amount of effort when facing social situations and daily life demands.