General training topics (1 hour to full day services):

  • Grounding & other stress management strategies for staff and students
  • Body-based Social Emotional Learning (SEL) & well-being activities for students
  • Introduction to EFT Tapping applications for school settings 
  • Mindset training (Fixed Mindset, Mixed Mindset, Growth & Benefit Mindset) 

Specialized small group interventions (4-10 participants):

  • Academic coaching for exam stress and/or test anxiety via group tapping
  • Academic coaching for procrastination, concentration, and motivation via group tapping
  • Group tapping for interested school staff or students on a specific topic of choice (e.g. email stress, dealing with difficult behaviors, etc)
International school services Eleni Vardaki


Kind words from anonymous training day evaluation forms:

  • “Excellent workshop! It opened up new horizons for me on an issue that concerns us quite often.” 
  • “This may have been the most interesting seminar our school has organized. Excellent presentation! I believe I will apply most of what I saw.”
  • “Extremely useful seminar, it produced a necessary shift of focus.”
  • “What was important for me is that the seminar focused on practical solutions – methods, techniques that can easily be integrated into the day.”
  • “A very good presentation, interesting practices for managing anxiety and difficulties, and most important of all, practices that are easy to apply.”
  • “Excellent! The trainer (Eleni Vardaki) was communicative and gave me hands on training. I feel more ready to deal with some difficult situations in the school where I work.”
  • “It was useful for improvement, both on a school level as well as on an individual level.”
  • “The content of the seminar can be applied in educational practice. A helpful seminar of substance.”


"Thank you Eleni for your enthusiasm, professionalism, and warm approach to our students."
Lea Pateras, International School of Athens
Lea Pateras
IB Diploma coordinator / Academic coordinator grade 11-12, International School of Athens
"Dealing with students' stress and anxiety is not an easy task. With Eleni's kind guidance and calmness, we learnt new practices that will be helpful for our students and for us, as well. Thank you, Eleni, for providing us with so many useful and easy techniques to develop our students' affective skills. I strongly recommend your sessions for all students' (Prek-Grade 12) and also for teachers' well-being."
Elsa Exidaveloni
MYP Coordinator, Anatolia College
"I want to thank you for your very interesting and useful workshop you offered to our 11th Grade students. You were so calm and engaging in your presentation and maintained the kids' attention throughout. I know they have enjoyed it a lot, and I am glad they were engaged and shared their questions with you."
Maria Protopapa
Deputy Director, Head of Center for Counseling & Learning Services, Counseling Psychologist, International School of Athens
"Eleni participated as a keynote speaker in the online IB Students Conference, Breaking Horizons, held by Prepas UPAEP. In her talk, she addressed more than 2,000 participants who learned how to manage their emotions and focus their strengths on the challenges involved in the IB programmes. She spoke from her own experience as an IB graduate and provided meaningful advice from her expertise in stress management and academic achievement. Her talk will definitely impact the students’ development."
Fernando Duran
Fernando Durán
Principal, Prepa UPAEP Santiago

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